Hugh's Views

This is a purely self-indulgent blog in which I can, if I feel like so doing, comment on matters of public and private import.

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Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom

Director of a publishing company. Two children, one stepchild. Happily married. I certainly don't believe in the star sign/year of the dragon nonesense that Blogger has attributed to me.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Terror in London

Part of the problem, in my view, is that we do not communicate enough across racial and religious divides. It is one thing to blow up a group you don't like. It is another to kill someone you know. So:

Make friends with a Muslim
be jolly with a Jew
shake hands with a Sikh
and hug a hin-du

(with apologies to Budhists, Humanists and others who would have been included if only they rhymed)