Prisoner abuse in Basra
This is very sad. Everyone was upset by the atrocities at Abu Ghraib but we somehow all hoped and believed that British soldiers would not do this kind of thing. Now we know that they did. General Mike Jackson has pointed out that 65,000 men and women have served in Iraq since the start of the war and that only 3 are believed to have committed this kind of act. This may be true, but I find myself wondering: if some people have behaved like this, could there be more?
Auschwitz is in the news at the moment because of the anniversary of the discovery of its horrors. I have always felt that the British people could never have allowed, or condoned, the kind of horror that took place there. Now I find that people acting in my name and funded by my taxes have behaved in a bestial manner. Maybe we're no different to any other country and that is a shame.